
Why Singapore can't produce a Zuckerberg ?

Mon, Nov 01, 2010, my paper

From this article, I find that it’s true that Singaporeans does not have a type of spirit that they would work hard and willing to take the risk to set up their own business. From a statement in the news article, “In the film The Social Network, Mr Zuckerberg was portrayed as a rebellious geek who stood up to authority. Mr Mohan Belani, 27, who co-founded a home-grown mobile social-gaming start-up this year, said while the education system here produces good workers to join multinational corporations, it is "very hard to find raw talent here who would be willing to take the risk, join start-ups and slug it out for a year or two". ” I totally agree with the statement as we, Singaporeans often are being protected by our parents and being influenced by a mindset that we should always try to work hard just for a stable and high pay position and this is our typical Singaporean ‘kiasu’ spirit. I think that there are talents in Singapore but none would dare to take a risk to set a business that have unpredicted future.
Another statement from the news, “Pundits cite factors such as the nation's limited pool of resources and, more importantly, its kiasu climate of being afraid to fail or lose face.”. I felt that this is true that Singaporeans are ‘kiasu’ and I felt that this has to be changed because Singapore most important resource is human resource. Although the present, was the Y-Generation, the youngsters are often being influenced by their parents and I would not wish that this would continue. If Singapore continues to promote this ‘kiasu’ spirit, Singapore would not be able to advance in any area when other countries are advancing in fast speed in every second. Singapore would lose out to other countries if this continues!
In conclusion, I felt that Singaporeans should walk out of the black box and have the spirit in having the willingness to take risk in their business to let themselves succeed in the future, as without failure, you would not be able to go as far as to your potential.

Name: Felicia Tan
Admin No. : 104945D

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